After they (a Tory was at the helm at the time) have taken our money ££, all went dead – at least NOT what I call working on it, wasted our cash. Welcome to the new Century, where all what it seems it is NOT what it is – too much money in precarious hands! Can I have my HARD Earned cash back to pay for Energy Bills? Little note: |
We THOUGHT we did it and I am sure ‘they’ will say: thanks to our effort we are now really doing it! £. 600,000 to do that?
Artemis has been going on since 25 years go under different names and scientists!
The difference now is, we have the technology and ‘Private’ Companies cash – so they can take over the Universe too.
So, we are back to: Egoism and Egocentrism once again (see YouTube videos).
The end of the Human race has just started, Stephen William Hawking was right – by 2100, if humans do not move from Earth, Human race will be extinct or on its way to it.
Climate change … Earth is a lump in the Universe, Climate can change hugely in a moment, never mind our pollution … follow The Sun – has our Sun started its way down?
The people’s project – well, just about!
LunarMissionOne – twitter (dead)
WE… have done it! Yeah right! We have Given a start to this wonderful project & given Humans a Future – Now lets see how ‘Public’ it will become and really involve Common People and not just Lecture them and Schools!I am a fan, but lets see it brought back to the People and be less Political and more scientific and let people in from the Front door, not the back door! |
Well, we finally are going to get back to the Moon and this time more seriously than the old ‘Political Race whom’s first’ type of thing, which undoubtedly brought back a lot of Science, prompted other type of Space Exploration and created The Apollo’s Children – like me!
The Rosetta’s Team will be involved in this – see what the EU together with the US/Russian etc. have done!
Human Record will be left ‘in’ the Moon and could last 1 Billion years (Sun permitting!)
This is a world Project for ALL of us – Human Beings!
I wonder if this project would bring Humans Together!
The following is a sum-up with main links to the Lunar Mission One Official Website ;p)
Welcome to Lunar Mission One
What is Lunar Mission One?
An Introduction by Prof. Brian Cox
Lunar Mission One Announcement
Live Recording (Fast Forward to 1:22 as there is a long logo intro and ends at around 31 minute)
Fund a mission to the moon on Kickstarter